Wednesday 4 July 2007

A Correction

In the interest of full disclosure, I'd like to point out that the mother and baby I referred to in my Week 23 post were actually treated initially at the 541st FST. They delivered the baby, a healthy 5 and 3/4 pound baby boy. We received the patients after the delivery and continued the care of both until we transferred them to a Afghan children's hospital in Kabul.

It was truly a team effort, one worthy of being told correctly. Many hands played a part in that good outcome, but it all begins at the first point a patient enters into our system, in this case the 541st FST.

I meant no offense to my esteemed colleagues and I am happy to set the record straight.

Phillips, out.


Anonymous said...

Rich -

BBC recently carried a nice article about SSgt Ken Winginger (hope I got his name right!) and mentioned the Salerno hospital.

They didn't show any photos of the new construction or mention other names.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rich,
Jay Kitchin just sent me your blog address. WOW! I'm gonna have to find some time to read it more carefully. And I will! However, first I must tell you how grateful and humbled I am at your sending the wood chest for the Friends of the Carpenter auction. We have been showing it off to people and are excited about presenting it at the auction. It has humbled many, and in each instance, I encourage prayers for you and all our soldiers.
Please ... stay safe. Obviously that's your intention also, but we all are so concerned for all of you. Thank you for your service, and it's so very nice to read portions of your blog to get a first hand report.
God Bless You ... you are a blessing to many. Your family is in our prayers as well.
Love & Peace,